Showing 1-7 of 7 matches for Meika Green (backdrop).
5 Jul 2014 It’s the NZ school holidays, so we had plenty of families exploring the markets, enjoying the food, entertainment, crafts and taking a few pix too. Paw paw are starting to be available again, there are a few tomatoes about, but it’s best to get to the market early if you want fresh produce. On the main stage the visiting Hamilton Boys ensemble were playing fonky music. :)
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Meika Green 113 photos
28 Sep 2013 It was an epic morning at the market this Saturday. The sun’s up earlier, which puts the heat on us to stack the booth quicker. Visiting us were guests from a wedding we filmed on Thursday; rellies here for a break before Summer hits; big family groups; hot couples; and regulars with ‘special guest stars’. We also took some pix for the next generation of boothers - finalists from the Cook Islands National Baby Show, redeeming their Island Booth prizes.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Meika Green 124 photos
5 Jan 2013 A great start to ’13, as we arrived early to set up before the sun hit. We had some familiar faces in the booth, with family taking a pic. for the home kopu tangata wall/fridge collection; wedding couples; and our regular boothers bringing visiting cousins and friends for their first IB shots. New to the booth were some large family groups, making the most of everyone being down at the market at the same time. We even had our photo taken with the booth (if you have shots of the booth in action, we’d love it if you added them to the IB Facebook Page).
See you next week. :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Meika Green 135 photos
2 Jun 2012 Our first sunny, non-windy day at the market for a while. Today we had visiting grandparents taking pix with their mokopuna, holiday fotos, and wedding guests exploring the island. One memorable moment being the look of puzzlement as we gave a visiting boother a (triangular) CI $2 coin as change - “What do I do with this?” - looking for a token slot on the booth. Justine helpfully suggested that we _do accept tips :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Meika Green 85 photos
14 Mar 2012 A relatively sleepy night at Akaoa this week - at least _outside the booth :). A high proportion of boothers this week were friends from around the Rock, along with fellow vendors and a few brave visitors.
Tags: Akaoa Night Market, night market, markets
Meika Green 51 photos
5 Nov 2011 A buzz at the market today before the final of the Sevens. A few supporters and (possibly) players dropped by. Also some family friends from NZ, Justine’s aunty and uncle (but they didn’t get a pic!!!) and newly-weds Katie and Glenn. All-round an awesome booth-session :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Meika Green 70 photos
27 Aug 2011 A slightly subdued market today after Friday’s storm - a great opportunity to try out our new meika green backdrop. We also picked up a fresh-green ei katu to add to our prop box.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Meika Green 108 photos