Lil Peepz + Shawn’s Birthday

  • 12 Dec 2015 A first birthday, 5-years of taking care of the next generation of Kukis, plus an end-of-year wrap-up. All good reasons to hit the beach at Nikao.
    We brought along some in-theme - pirates! - props and decorations, our trusty generator and a bag-full of guy ropes and made a day of it (with a stop at Vaiana’s to unwind post packdown).
    With Lil Peepz being our daycare of choice, we roped in aunty Tehani, plus the extended LP-family to run interference while we… ran the booth.
    For those who missed out, you can order big prints for collection/drop-off. Hit the Facebook album to find your strip, then in the comments let us know the frame(s) you want printed.
    Tags: birthdays, tamariki, pirates
    Aitutaki 170 photos


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