Showing 1-6 of 6 matches for 21st (tag).
8 Jul 2017 There’s ‘portable’, and then there’s ‘all-terrain’… The Matavera intake (road) provided a suitably steamy location for a jungle-themed celebration. We were pre-match entertainment, with the revellers rocking the booth before heading Rehab-way, then returning for kai-kai. A big meitaki to Aaron’s family for your hospitality (awesome food), and to Poko for hooking us up.
Tags: 21st, go local
Inapotea 90 photos
6 Jul 2013 It was a ‘breezy’ eve for Raukura’s birthday celebrations. We pitched into the wind, Pete brought along extra sandbags, and fingers were crossed… With all the family back on the Rock, the birthday girl made the most of the opportunity to grab pix with nearest and dearest. There were also a number of regular boothers on hand to induct newbies. Meitaki maata to the Newport-Ellison clan for rockin’ the booth.
Reprints available from the booth at the market (Saturday).
Tags: 21st, birthdays, go local
Kete in Pink 214 photos
22 Dec 2012 Direct from the market, we headed in-land Avarua to set-up for Alisha’s 21st-come-family-reunion. With the booth primed, we ducked home and returned in time to catch some awesome family items. Quick pix were a hit with the families, and we took some great portraits. The evening’s prop of choice? The birthday girl :).
Extra big prints from the night can be ordered at the booth.
Tags: 21st, birthdays, family reunions, go local
Muri Blue 212 photos
5 Jul 2012 To celebrate 21 years of connecting Kukis, Telecom Cook Islands invited all their staff - past and present - to an awesome party. Great food, entertainment and hospitality. Although we were slow to start, fortunately TCI’s social committee members were on hand to help introduce staff to the booth ;). If you’d like copies of any of the photos or photostrips, see the social committee.
Tags: 21st, staff parties, Telecom Cook Islands
Pineapple Punch 196 photos
9 Dec 2011 Mariana’s birthday was back in Sept, but she moved her 21st celebration to Dec to include all her family and friends. The theme was glow-in-the-dark, carried through to the custom booth photo backdrop. Meitaki to Mariana and Metua (event organiser par excellence), for making us feel like part of the family :).
Tags: 21st, birthdays, props box, day-glo, family reunions
Custom backdrop 192 photos
2 Jul 2011 Awesome burlesque-themed party for Kate. Most amazing costuming on display. Meitaki to everyone who worked the booth and the Staircase staff. Hopefully the first of more Staircase booth nights to come :).
Tags: 21st, birthdays
Burlesque Silver 58 photos