Cloud Forest was custom-made for the Booth by Lyn Martin from Pacific Feeling.
You can buy her pareu from Punanga Nui Market (back huts, sea-side, town end).
Showing 1-7 of 7 matches for Cloud Forest (backdrop).
17 May 2014 This morning was a bit of a blur — but I do remember helping to commemorate a birthday, some big family pix and offering the side of the booth as a short-term bicycle stand to a visitor without a cycle lock.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Cloud Forest 62 photos
26 Oct 2013 On the way to ‘work’, Nukutere students were out fundraising for the school rebuild - we’re hoping to help out again with their gala in a few weeks. CNZ Creative Residency recipient, Strike Percussion’s Murray Hickman stopped by to feed Aroko while we fine-tuned the booth - he’ll also be running a few percussion workshops while in the Cooks. We took pix for delegates from the Conference of Pacific Women, cousins, repeat visitors to the island (and the booth), and handed out loyalty cards to regulars.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Cloud Forest 87 photos
9 Mar 2013 Today was all about weddings. We saw guests from Kim and Kelvin’s wedding - looking quite sprightly after rockin’ the booth last night at Tamarind House. We also had a couple taking a pic before their wedding this afternoon, and guests arriving for a vow-renewal next week. We also made the most of a quieter day to order our 2012 commemorative cocobank from Made in Raro Designs.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Cloud Forest 66 photos
27 Oct 2012 With Halloween hitting the island next week, Dernice from Made-N-Raro broke out her very best monster make-up, so we saw ghouls, beasts and heroes in the booth this week. We also had some big family groups stop by for a memento, and a wedding couple who found the IB Facebook Page and made it their mission to track us down at the market. Meitaki to our local boothers who bring visitors to see us - bring your loyalty card with you to earn free stuff.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Cloud Forest 120 photos
15 Sep 2012 A late start to the market this morning. It was a bit breezy, but just enough to clear away the cloud for a crisp, sunny Spring day.
We helped to celebrate a family honeymoon, birthday, friendships and took some great group and family portraits.
We also welcomed back to the Rock some repeat boothers - meitaki for making 3-2-1, Kia orana!' part of your itinerary :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Cloud Forest 105 photos
24 Mar 2012 It was hot down at the market today. We met wedding guests, family groups, holidayers and caught up with some regulars. Our Mike TV glasses and skeleton hands made a brief appearance, but pic of the day goes to the ‘melon-heads’. Special mention to our ‘professional boothers’ - you know who you are :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets, props box
Cloud Forest 68 photos
4 Nov 2011 Day 2 of the 2011 CI Sevens – but the first booth-day. Also first outing for our new ’Cloud Forest‚ backdrop. Pix from teams, supporters, organisers and some of our regular boothers in the mix.
Tags: sevens, sports
Cloud Forest 40 photos