Showing 1-2 of 2 matches for Jungle Book (backdrop).
11 Oct 2014 Plenty of time to sight-see at the market this morning. Foraged for our weekly fruit and veg., picked up a savoury pastry from the Dearloves: spinach, feta and mozzarella (but missed out on the sausage rolls again). Met a family here for an unveiling and convinced them to bring the younger members along to tonight’s Rotaract Junior Spring Ball. With only minutes to spare, took visiting friends on a guided tour of the market, ‘top-spots’. Then a quick(ish) pack down and relocation to the Aotearoa Centre…
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Jungle Book 42 photos
28 Dec 2013 Our final session at Punanga Nui for 2013. This week was all about the Fortes Family Reunion, with newly discovered cousins, aunties and uncles bundled into the booth for a commemorative foto. We also had some quick-change experts, with costume swaps, solos vs. group frames, and fierce poses.
Meitaki to everyone who came to see us in 2013, we’ll be back for more in twenty-fourteen :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Jungle Book 153 photos