Mangaia Sunset was custom-made for the Booth by Lyn Martin from Pacific Feeling.
You can buy her pareu from Punanga Nui Market (back huts, sea-side, town end).
Showing 1-8 of 8 matches for Mangaia Sunset (backdrop).
3 Oct 2014 We were stoked to be invited back to the Apii Te Uki Ou Gala to help fundraise this year. The afternoon started with a whale sighting just off the coast as the school is not far from the reef. Activities included a horizontal bungy, haunted house, face painting, a monster garage sale, and rides on the fire engine. The theme was ‘rainbow’ so we picked a suitably bright backdrop and added a few props to the mix.
Meitaki to Jade, Elke and Rosie who helped wrangle Aroko while we set-up.
Reprints and enlargements (blow-ups) can be purchased from us at the Saturday market.
Tags: markets, Apii Te Uki Ou Gala, fundraisers, tamariki
Mangaia Sunset 173 photos
8 Mar 2014 Uncle Tangiiau’s family were on the Rock for grandson Teariki’s wedding this week — so it was time for some more photos for their fridge. Market-goers were in rare form, enjoying the fine weather, great food, and live entertainment,
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Mangaia Sunset 110 photos
23 Aug 2013 We were overjoyed to be invited back to the Nukutere Gala. With a food festival theme, each student year prepared a speciality, from umu food to hot pot, desserts and BBQ. On the sidelines, stalls offered face painting, the chance to soak your favourite teacher (props to Mr Rasmussen), plus a bouncy castle - which was a big hit with the littlies from St. Joseph’s…
Tags: Nukutere Gala, fundraisers, tamariki
Mangaia Sunset 163 photos
23 Aug 2013 …around lunch-ish-time, each year presented a performance, which we caught glimpses of between the marquees. Once again, we had little time to grab food, but timely chilled nu and a BBQ plate from Mr Piho kept us going. We stayed around for the drawing of the monster raffle and celebrated the close of the day with an ice-cream from the drinks-and-desserts truck. Meitaki to the organisers for making the booth part of the gala festivities.
Tags: Nukutere Gala, fundraisers, tamariki
Mangaia Sunset 204 photos
25 May 2013 The weather was very 'Spring-y' today - rain then sun, rainbows – then rain + sun. Plenty of up-for-it visitors to the island came to the ‘all weather’ booth, some here supporting the Film Raro Challenge crews. We chatted to regular boothers; some back on the Rock after a break; others bringing visiting family and friends down to the market. We also gave away a few of our booth event booking info cards – hourly hire, unlimited photos! See you next week for our special 2nd boothday celebration :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Mangaia Sunset 80 photos
28 Mar 2012 A talent showcase tonight at Akaoa with dancing, a performance by Ed from Sweet & Irie and a guest appearance by Brother Love before the Tamariki Manuia fire-dancers wowed the crowds. We continued our competition for Bring Home the Love tickets with a suitably rasta backdrop.
Tags: Akaoa Night Market, night market, markets
Mangaia Sunset 82 photos
5 Nov 2011 Team supporter in costumes stormed the booth on Saturday (Cuckoo Tutus, Tetris, Alice’s Entourage, Rebels and other all-sorts). Also keep an eye out for the infamous ’EHF’ masked photo bomber. Te Ara Wheke took out booth ’team of the day‚ spot with their pix.
Special mention to the team from Cocoputt for having our backs (literally) :).
Tags: sevens, sports
Mangaia Sunset 152 photos
26 Oct 2011 The public holiday (Gospel Day), made for a chilled-out – but festive – market. We met some holidaying groups, including a boother who made an effort to track us down while over from Oz (meitaki), a 21st party, family reunion and a wedding group who we'll see again this Friday. It was also farewell to fellow Akaoan Maree - all the best from IB.
Tags: Akaoa Night Market, markets
Mangaia Sunset 74 photos