Showing 96-100 of 291 albums and videos.
20 Sep 2013 Thanks to George and Jenna we were invited along to help the kids from Apii Te Uki Ou raise funds for their school. Along with our usual great pix, we also ran a prize draw for a couple of custom-made Picture Paradise photo frames. We pitched the booth near the primary school alongside the volunteer fire truck and not far from the horizontall bungy and shooting range…
Tags: Apii Te Uki Ou Gala, tamariki, fundraisers
Moon River Blue 165 photos
20 Sep 2013 …Aroko came along to the gala with aunty Brenda - Dernice from ‘Der Nice Corner’ added some buzzy bees and a daffodil nose to his outfit. On the stage we saw great hip-hoppn’, traditional and contemporary island dance fusion, snappy drumming and free-form antic-bro-batics from the boys.
Big prints from the gala are available from the booth, Saturday morning at the market.
Tags: Apii Te Uki Ou Gala, tamariki, fundraisers
Moon River Blue 56 photos
7 Sep 2013 This week the girls from Turtles Ts modelled a fresh design. We had some repeat (off-shore) boothers adding to their IB collection. Bemused family were put through their paces / poses and a few students from Te Uki Ou got in practice before we set-up for the school gala (Fri 20th Sept).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Sure is Pink 95 photos
31 Aug 2013 We’re currently travelling in convoy to the markets - IB1 (our van) carries the booth + Aroko. IB2 (our scooter) carries Andy. IB1 missed the rain, IB2 got a cloudburst just out of Matavera, however the weather was still clear in town. It took a while for market-goers to turn up this morning. Fortunately a large family group on the rock for a wedding created their own IB family tree. We had some first-time boothers who found out about us on Facebook :). We also some last-minute pix in time for Father’s Day.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Aqua Mareko 132 photos
24 Aug 2013 We were still a bit groggy this morning, from our day in the sun at Nukutere Gala yesterday, but happy market-goers are a great pick-me-up. We saw familiar faces from the gala, and made-up more Loyalty Cards. We continued our TMN Special - 3 of our big prints for just $10 - great if you want pix to send to family. Visiting boothers came back with extra family members for commemorative shots, and regulars fine-tuned their shapes.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Kabuki Red 102 photos