Showing 11-16 of 16 matches for birthdays (tag).
23 Jun 2012 …Andy’s lemonade was a nod to when we used to sell cookies and lemonade at the market. Unfortunately, we no longer have an oven - so lemonade it was :). Meitaki to everyone who came to wish us a happy boothday. :)
Tags: Punanga Nui, boothday, promo events, promo, birthdays, markets
Aqua Mareko, White Island 138 photos
26 May 2012 The event: Dante’s Birthday; the theme: Alice in Wonderland; the setting (due to some last-minute weather-woes), Staircase Restaurant & Bar. Newbies barely got a look-in, the initiated taking full advantage of our host's generosity and the offer of unlimited photostrips. Happy birthday Dante!
Tags: birthdays, costume party, props box, Staircase
Vlad 197 photos
25 Mar 2012 We helped Justin celebrate his birthday down on Papaaroa beach. The birthday boy was escorted to his guests by quad-bike and given a warrior’s welcome. The afternoon included a slippery-slide into the lagoon, cake, goodie bags, awesome kai kai, balloons, masks and booth-time. Owe-some!
Tags: birthdays, tamariki
Muri Blue 200 photos
9 Dec 2011 Mariana’s birthday was back in Sept, but she moved her 21st celebration to Dec to include all her family and friends. The theme was glow-in-the-dark, carried through to the custom booth photo backdrop. Meitaki to Mariana and Metua (event organiser par excellence), for making us feel like part of the family :).
Tags: 21st, birthdays, props box, day-glo, family reunions
Custom backdrop 192 photos
15 Oct 2011 A collision of styles: four decades of retro fashion, with our props thrown in for good measure.
Backdrop: ‘Flower Power’ (supplied by our host).
Tags: birthdays, props box
Custom backdrop 108 photos
2 Jul 2011 Awesome burlesque-themed party for Kate. Most amazing costuming on display. Meitaki to everyone who worked the booth and the Staircase staff. Hopefully the first of more Staircase booth nights to come :).
Tags: 21st, birthdays
Burlesque Silver 58 photos