Showing 1-10 of 14 matches for Moon River Blue (backdrop).
31 Dec 2018 Photo strip designs and backdrop favourites from our wedding booth sessions in 2018.
-Top (back)drops: Tiare Gold, Taro Silver and White Island
10 Jun 2016 A selection of photo strips designs and choice pix from our 2016 booth sessions (mostly weddings).
Tags: weddings
Parapotini, Inapotea, Taro Silver, Moon River Blue, Rouge Lotus 79 photos
30 Sep 2013 A selection of our fav. strips and frames from wedding booth sessions July-September 2013.
Tags: weddings, props box
Island Ink, Aitutaki, Moon River Blue, Vlad, Peking Blue, FE, Muri Blue 199 photos
20 Sep 2013 Thanks to George and Jenna we were invited along to help the kids from Apii Te Uki Ou raise funds for their school. Along with our usual great pix, we also ran a prize draw for a couple of custom-made Picture Paradise photo frames. We pitched the booth near the primary school alongside the volunteer fire truck and not far from the horizontall bungy and shooting range…
Tags: Apii Te Uki Ou Gala, tamariki, fundraisers
Moon River Blue 165 photos
20 Sep 2013 …Aroko came along to the gala with aunty Brenda - Dernice from ‘Der Nice Corner’ added some buzzy bees and a daffodil nose to his outfit. On the stage we saw great hip-hoppn’, traditional and contemporary island dance fusion, snappy drumming and free-form antic-bro-batics from the boys.
Big prints from the gala are available from the booth, Saturday morning at the market.
Tags: Apii Te Uki Ou Gala, tamariki, fundraisers
Moon River Blue 56 photos
8 Jun 2013 With Aroko uncle-sitting this week, we found running the booth, reasonably straight-forward. Lots of couples took pix with us: on holiday; honeymoon; on a rekkie for potential wedding venues; or just hanging out. Some awesome family groups lit up da booth. Bella and Luna bought a guest, and in case you were wondering, the secret to getting a Chihuahua‘s attention? Stand next to the lens and call “Sausage! Sausage!”.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Moon River Blue 67 photos
27 Nov 2012 A selection of photo strip and backdrop design ideas + some of our favourite strips from wedding parties that we’ve entertained.
Tags: weddings, props box, promo
Lime Fruit Salad, Gold Hibiscus, Moon River Blue, Emperor Red, Taro Silver, White Island, Muri Blue, Tiare Gold, Vlad, Custom backdrop, Aitutaki, Dots Up, FE 85 photos
3 Nov 2012 Our recent call, to ‘get your booth on’, has kicked the market into festive mode! Visiting cousins, friends and family are making their way to see us for a fun pic. At this time of year we also welcome back boothers returning to the Rock for the Christmas-New Year break. We took some great solo strips and group shots today with our new fan keeping things nice and cool. We’lre also stoked to have visitors to the island make us part of their itinerary. Meitaki maata. :)
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Moon River Blue 147 photos
7 Jul 2012 We got to the market a bit earlier this morning (if we don’t, the final steps of setting things up gets a bit hot) - and the Market was humming. As we’re coming into the NZ and AU school holidays we had some big family groups in the booth. One of our fav. reason for getting a pic? To secure coveted photo space on Nan’s fridge. Meitaki maata to everyone waited for a tutu - fortunately our new location (near the Pearl Lounge), provides more shade the closer you get to the booth - win!
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Moon River Blue 168 photos
24 May 2012 A taste of booth event hire.
Tags: ads, promo, weddings, video
Moon River Blue Video