Showing 11-17 of 17 matches for Taro Silver (backdrop).
27 Nov 2012 A selection of photo strip and backdrop design ideas + some of our favourite strips from wedding parties that we’ve entertained.
Tags: weddings, props box, promo
Lime Fruit Salad, Gold Hibiscus, Moon River Blue, Emperor Red, Taro Silver, White Island, Muri Blue, Tiare Gold, Vlad, Custom backdrop, Aitutaki, Dots Up, FE 85 photos
19 Jul 2012 It was the official launch of the Takitumu Night Market upgrades tonight - thanks to the Community Initiative Scheme. For those attending the market, the upgrades mean lighting and picnic tables. For us vendors, it's dedicated power - so we can leave our trusty generator at home. There was a happy buzz tonight with a couple of new local vendors selling kids clothing and pareu/sheet sets. We even picked out one of the pareu to add to our backdrop collection.
Tags: Takitumu Night Market, night market, markets
Taro Silver 97 photos
18 Feb 2012 A hot day down at the markets. Plenty of visitors celebrating - weddings, birthdays, honeymoons and anniversaries. All great reasons to get a great photo.
We also caught up with some of our regular boothers who made the most our our new Valentine’s props.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets, Valentine’s
Taro Silver 86 photos
14 Oct 2011 Angela and Jarrod topped-off their day of celebration with candid pix in the booth. Family and friends put our props box through its paces – with some very inventive strips and frames, and quick-draw portraits in the mix. Meitaki for including us in festivities :).
(The newly-weds have the complete set. Contact them for more photos and/or reprints.)
Tags: weddings, props box
Taro Silver 107 photos
19 Aug 2011 Congratulations to Sharne & Teia. A fantastic day of celebration topped off with an island show... and Island Booth!
(For strips and full-size photos contact the newly-weds.)
Tags: weddings, props box
Taro Silver 122 photos
11 Jul 2011 Quiet (in terms of numbers) night @ C-Putt. Guest cameo from a wedding party holding a combined stag/hen’s do. Also the first time we’ve had someone in the booth wearing fabric eerily similar to our backdrop :).
Tags: Cocoputt, backpackers, Raro Pub Crawl, stag party, hen’s party, props box
Taro Silver 19 photos
9 Jul 2011 Meitaki to everyone who called into the booth. Some truly beautiful frames and strips today :).
Tags: markets, Punanga Nui
Taro Silver 33 photos