Showing 1-4 of 4 matches for Vaka Puaikura Concert (tag).
8 Aug 2015 Our first market session for 2015 and a chance for us to catch up with our Arorangi / Puaikura boothers. We took some dazzling strips and pix, added to family portrait collections, chatted to honorary locals and sampled a banoffee cup cake. Plus, Ms. Luna got a costume!.
A big meitaki to our booth-operator-in-training Rosaline, who made sure that Mauke got their booth on.
Tags: Vaka Puaikura Concert, night market, culture, shows
Parapotini 123 photos
7 Aug 2014 It was a last-minute dash for us to make the Vaka Puaikura Concert this year - fortunately aunty and Jaz were on hand to take Aroko to the show. As usual some stunning shots were taken ‘out west’, with families updating their portraits, new pepes, young love, cousins chillin’, and performers hitting the booth direct from the stage. Only a few food stalls, but we can recommend the chicken curry and kebabs :).
Tags: Vaka Puaikura Concert, night market, concerts, culture, shows
Tongareva 109 photos
9 Aug 2013 The Vaka Puaikura Concert was a bit earlier this year – bringing together some of the best performances from Te Maeva Nui. We spent the evening strategically moving our ei and ei katu from one side of our marquee to the other, as the wind was blowing the rain in from all sides. There were some awesome performances on the big stage, and equally inventive poses in the booth. A big meitaki much to the Mataroa kopu tangata for updating their family album with some fresh pix.
Tags: Vaka Puaikura Concert, culture, shows
Rouge Lotus 141 photos
25 Aug 2011 It was an epic night at the Vaka Puaikura Concert - showcasing some of the best talent, direct from Te Maeva Nui plus guest appearances by Te Tiare and Arorangi Primary School. We were running the booth as a fundraiser for the Aro'a Nui Hall. Meitaki ma'ata on behalf of the Arorangi community for all your support.
Tags: Vaka Puaikura Concert, shows, concerts, fundraisers
Sure is Pink 173 photos