Showing 91-95 of 291 albums and videos.
2 Oct 2013 Fantastic costumes, great sounds, and of course Island Booth at the Youth Masquerade Ball.
Tags: costume party, fundraisers, candids
Gold Curtain 68 photos
1 Oct 2013 A section of sweet pix and strips from our wedding booth sessions; Oct-Dec 2013.
Tags: weddings, props box
Taro Silver 16 photos
30 Sep 2013 A selection of our fav. strips and frames from wedding booth sessions July-September 2013.
Tags: weddings, props box
Island Ink, Aitutaki, Moon River Blue, Vlad, Peking Blue, FE, Muri Blue 199 photos
28 Sep 2013 It was an epic morning at the market this Saturday. The sun’s up earlier, which puts the heat on us to stack the booth quicker. Visiting us were guests from a wedding we filmed on Thursday; rellies here for a break before Summer hits; big family groups; hot couples; and regulars with ‘special guest stars’. We also took some pix for the next generation of boothers - finalists from the Cook Islands National Baby Show, redeeming their Island Booth prizes.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Meika Green 124 photos
21 Sep 2013 It was bright and blustery day at the market this morning. Plenty of our regular boothers came to see us: with new pepes, visiting family, and friends. We also helped a couple celebrate the ‘day after’ (their wedding), another couple commemorate their honeymoon, and provided market food suggestions to a new mum-to-be.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Pink Champagne 100 photos