Showing 136-140 of 291 albums and videos.
15 Dec 2012 Humidity down at the market today almost resulted in ‘Island Booth unplugged’. Meitaki ma‘ata to our boothers for waiting patiently while we battled techno gremlins.
It’s the time of year where people coming-and-going: visiting family; taking a holiday break; or saying a final farewell before leaving the Rock – all great reasons for getting a pic.
Tags: Christmas, Punanga Nui, markets
Ariki Gold 92 photos
8 Dec 2012 More Christmas mayhem at the market today. Gusts of up to 60km were predicted – and we were kept busy retrieving photo bags and errant antlers for most of the morning. Folks stopped by for pix-as-gifts, and our range of new Picture Paradise photo frames proved popular too. The accessory of the day was the sparkling Xmas trilby. A few noothers picked up IB loyalty cards – ask for yours next time you rock the booth.
Tags: Punanga Nui, Christmas, markets
Kabuki Red 124 photos
6 Dec 2012 It wouldn’t be a Flanagan family celebration without the booth – so after the surprise party, fire-dancing, umu and cake cutting it was time for island pix. Of course, a few boothers have had a little more practise than others… ;).
Tags: birthdays, props box
Aqua Mareko 109 photos
5 Dec 2012 A new location for the annual Rotaract Christmas celebrations this year, with Punanga Nui standing in for the BCI Stadium. This year’s theme was red-and-white, and boothers rose to the challenge with great costumes, pareu, hair peices and face paint. We came to the party with our Christmas props-box, including new sparkling trilby hats, elf caps and extra reindeer noses (thanks Ine)…
Tags: Rotaract, Christmas, Punanga Nui, markets, night market,
Tiare Gold 158 photos
5 Dec 2012 …From our location near the band rotunda (old stage), we could see the corner of the new stage. Rotaract and Andersons did a great job with the decorations, lighting, and sound; and the night’s performers kept the crowd singing and dancing.
We had plans to explore the rest of the market, maybe grab a Kai Pizza, but boothers had other ideas ;). It was awesome to see familiar faces come update their booth-folio, commemorate a reunion, or take a family Christmas portrait. The night ended with a bang with a dazzling fireworks display.
Meitaki ma‘ata to Rotaract members and the volunteers - nice!
Tags: Rotaract, Christmas, Punanga Nui, markets, night market
Tiare Gold 187 photos