Showing 166-170 of 291 albums and videos.
2 Aug 2012 Word of our offer to bump performers to the front of the queue appears to have spread (thanks Kate). So more costumes were squeezed into the booth tonight. There were even one or two visitors to the Cooks who got some pix too :).
Tags: Te Maeva Nui, culture, shows
Rouge Lotus 204 photos
1 Aug 2012 A few more families discovered the booth tonight. For some visitors it was a final chance to get some great photos before returning home. This was also the debut of our new 'Aitutaki' (blue) backdrop.
Tags: Te Maeva Nui, culture, shows
Aitutaki 225 photos
31 Jul 2012 Each TMN we see a new range of t-shirts in the booth - from vaka, islands, and this year visiting groups, such as the SEHCO group from AK. The dancers from Tongareva and Mangiia visited us tonight - direct from the stage. We also took some pix for newly-weds, families, a few other market-types and the behind-the-scenes crew.
Tags: Te Maeva Nui, culture, shows
Lime Fruit Salad 143 photos
30 Jul 2012 The first night of competition at the auditorium - with a few international cameos. First-up: an encore performance from visitors from Raetihi (NZ); and after intermission, the lovely ladies from the American Ragtime Dolls took to the stage. The girls from Tongareva also made the most of the booth in their stunning purple costumes.
Tags: Te Maeva Nui, culture, shows
Pink Champagne 153 photos
29 Jul 2012 A gentle Sunday at the auditorium for the choir and imene tuki section of Te Maeva Nui. We had a few boothers from the hostels drop by - including the Tongareva girls. The tere uniforms added some visual dazzle, and we took some cool cousin shots too.
Tags: Te Maeva Nui, culture
Imene Tuki 147 photos