Showing 176-180 of 291 albums and videos.
19 Jul 2012 It was the official launch of the Takitumu Night Market upgrades tonight - thanks to the Community Initiative Scheme. For those attending the market, the upgrades mean lighting and picnic tables. For us vendors, it's dedicated power - so we can leave our trusty generator at home. There was a happy buzz tonight with a couple of new local vendors selling kids clothing and pareu/sheet sets. We even picked out one of the pareu to add to our backdrop collection.
Tags: Takitumu Night Market, night market, markets
Taro Silver 97 photos
18 Jul 2012 A quiet Akaoa this week - fortunately we had great company :). Meitaki to aunty Vicki’s family who took the opportunity to get photos with while visiting from Australia. A few regular boothers called by to bust out some great poses. We also helped to commemorate a holiday with friends (apparently a time-honoured tradition).
Akaoa takes a break while Te Maeva Nui is on, but keep your eyes peeled for the market's first birthday celebrations, mid-August.
Tags: Akaoa Night Market, night market, markets
Island Ink 42 photos
14 Jul 2012 Busy times... We saw a few O-Bs (original boothers), who don’t get to the Saturday market often, or are back from NZ for the school holidays. We helped celebrate: family reunions, a 50th birthday, new babies, new fashion accessories, and... nu. Also took a farewell pic for a cousin, entertained wedding guests and caught up with some of our regulars. Meitaki maata :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Ariki Gold 132 photos
7 Jul 2012 We got to the market a bit earlier this morning (if we don’t, the final steps of setting things up gets a bit hot) - and the Market was humming. As we’re coming into the NZ and AU school holidays we had some big family groups in the booth. One of our fav. reason for getting a pic? To secure coveted photo space on Nan’s fridge. Meitaki maata to everyone waited for a tutu - fortunately our new location (near the Pearl Lounge), provides more shade the closer you get to the booth - win!
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Moon River Blue 168 photos
5 Jul 2012 To celebrate 21 years of connecting Kukis, Telecom Cook Islands invited all their staff - past and present - to an awesome party. Great food, entertainment and hospitality. Although we were slow to start, fortunately TCI’s social committee members were on hand to help introduce staff to the booth ;). If you’d like copies of any of the photos or photostrips, see the social committee.
Tags: 21st, staff parties, Telecom Cook Islands
Pineapple Punch 196 photos