Showing 11-15 of 15 matches for culture (tag).
30 Jul 2012 The first night of competition at the auditorium - with a few international cameos. First-up: an encore performance from visitors from Raetihi (NZ); and after intermission, the lovely ladies from the American Ragtime Dolls took to the stage. The girls from Tongareva also made the most of the booth in their stunning purple costumes.
Tags: Te Maeva Nui, culture, shows
Pink Champagne 153 photos
29 Jul 2012 A gentle Sunday at the auditorium for the choir and imene tuki section of Te Maeva Nui. We had a few boothers from the hostels drop by - including the Tongareva girls. The tere uniforms added some visual dazzle, and we took some cool cousin shots too.
Tags: Te Maeva Nui, culture
Imene Tuki 147 photos
28 Jul 2012 We dedicate this album to our guests from Raetihi - here to represent NZ at Te Maeva Nui celebrations. One wahine proudly informed us that “where we’re from it gets to minus 15” - so the whole group were enjoying the relative warmth of the Raro Winter. We also saw Arorangi regulars from the Akaoa Night Market and Vaka Puaikura concert sessions, including acting PM Tom Marsters.
Tags: Te Maeva Nui, culture, shows, tamariki
FE 174 photos
10 May 2012 The final competition night for Dancer of the Year with dancers representing Kuki communities from New Zealand and Australia, plus the best from the Cooks. In the booth we had a few fanciful moves too, including some Riverdancing, kung-fu and ‘broke-down-model’ poses. Algudz.
Tags: Dancer of the Year, shows, concerts, culture
Tiare Gold 213 photos
26 Apr 2012 The senior dancers took to the stage tonight for the slow-, and fast-beat competition. The crowd were also treated to a special performance by the Cook Islands National Dance Team, who will be performing in Europe as part of the Queen's Jubilee celebrations. There were some new faces in the booth; and we also farewelled Justine's folks who are back to NZ this weekend. We're trying out new locations - so keep your eyes peeled for the IB sign and the booth decked out in lights next time you're at the auditorium.
Tags: Dancer of the Year, concerts, shows, culture
Vlad 127 photos