Showing 31-35 of 291 albums and videos.
27 Sep 2014 It’s time for the NZ school holidays – w. plenty of families making the most of a tropical break. We also had local families hitting the booth for some fun. While Justine took care of the pix, me and Aroko took a tour of the HMNZS Otago, in port after helping out with some CI fisheries surveying and training exercises. We bought our first pineapple of the season, and it’s a relief to see nita (paw paw) and meika (banana) available again.
Meitaki to everyone for rockin’ the booth.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Mitiaro 81 photos
20 Sep 2014 Runners were – round Raro – this morning. A few dropped by to celebrate with a pic. Local street wear label Zone were handing out fliers promoting their new line (online only at this stage - see their FB page to place an order). We also found out that Argentina celebrate Spring / Student day. Random (TM) the market…
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Aitutaki 49 photos
13 Sep 2014 It was another scorcher at the market this morning. While most of the island hit the beach, me and Aroko made the most of the new water fountain at the Punanga Nui playground. Pepe also picked up a fresh-T from Fresh Local, and got a mean-as scorpion tattoo from Geena. Family friends dropped-by, plus Edith and Jeremy added a booth pic to their wedding photo album. Nice!
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Tiare Gold 56 photos
30 Aug 2014 Despite appearances, folks other than our family use the booth :). This week it was farewell to Nana Neen, Pat, and Jaz, and kia orana to Numa and Precious. We helped celebrate a honeymoon, a ‘break with the girls’, and a stopover between Miami and Fiji. Plus a grab-bag of BFFs, birthdays, and family pix.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Tamariki Yellow 73 photos
23 Aug 2014 Weather permitted, so we were back at the market this week. With the Shapeshifter / Tiki Tane / Upbeats + support acts at Rehab last night, we had some CHCH massive picking up breakfast and grabbing quik pix. New arrivals to the island – 2am flight that is – joined us to soak up the island vibes. We helped celebrate some fabulous birthdays and family ties, including a cameo by Aroko’s Nana Neen, plus extended kuki family ex-Welly. All goods :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Pink Breadfruit 79 photos