Showing 91-100 of 182 matches for markets (tag).
1 Dec 2012 With Netball in Paradise starting next week, we had a few teams down at the market taking in the sights and sounds. The Mauke Team demonstrated some early coordination skills, with an (almost) full team shot. Inbetween visits from clan Flanagan, we also took pix for Kukis returning home for Christmas, friends chillin’ post exams; and some fairies, spiderman,a wampire, reindeer and St. Nick catching some rays before the big day.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
FE 109 photos
24 Nov 2012 We thought it was hot last week – but it was nothing on the market this morning. We borrowed our own rito fans to keep cool out front, and ramped up the booth air conditioning for that 80s, music-video wind-machine look.
Vaka Eiva is underway, and we had a few paddlers take team pix. Regular boothers were back working on new looks, and visiting family, fresh from the plane took their ‘before’ shots. Elsewhere in the market, lychees and pineapple are now in season – mighty nice on ice :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Jester 72 photos
17 Nov 2012 It’s heating up at the market - fortunately the booth is ‘air-conditioned for your comfort’. There was a full range of pix this week - from visiting family members, painted-faces, BFFs, wedding couples, and group shots - through to divas, messages home, spring romance, and solos. We even helped a documentary crew with some last minute gifts. All in a morning’s work ;).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Imene Tuki 81 photos
3 Nov 2012 Our recent call, to ‘get your booth on’, has kicked the market into festive mode! Visiting cousins, friends and family are making their way to see us for a fun pic. At this time of year we also welcome back boothers returning to the Rock for the Christmas-New Year break. We took some great solo strips and group shots today with our new fan keeping things nice and cool. We’lre also stoked to have visitors to the island make us part of their itinerary. Meitaki maata. :)
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Moon River Blue 147 photos
27 Oct 2012 With Halloween hitting the island next week, Dernice from Made-N-Raro broke out her very best monster make-up, so we saw ghouls, beasts and heroes in the booth this week. We also had some big family groups stop by for a memento, and a wedding couple who found the IB Facebook Page and made it their mission to track us down at the market. Meitaki to our local boothers who bring visitors to see us - bring your loyalty card with you to earn free stuff.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Cloud Forest 120 photos
20 Oct 2012 Our first market since our Spring Break and with the blossom starting to appear around the island, a great chance to break out our Tipani Pink backdrop. Work is progressing on the new stage, and will probably be finished up in the coming week.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Tipani Pink 105 photos
26 Sep 2012 A sleepy market tonight gave us a chance to chat to the other stall holders. In the booth we had visiting school teachers, dancers from Highland Paradise, plus pix with siblings and family portraits. This was our last Akaoa for a month or so… Hope to be back early November :).
Tags: Akaoa Night Market, night market, markets
Pineapple Punch 38 photos
22 Sep 2012 Ahhh yes, Spring. Last week we were buffeted by the wind; this weekend - the rain. It was the Round Rarotonga Road Race this morning. That’s where a whole lot of people get up really early and are chased around the island by a group of drummers. We had a few runners and their support crews grab some pix. Exploring the markets was one boother’s strategy to stop from seizing up (post-run). Our Tamariki Yellow backdrop kept the pix sunny, as the lower box of the booth steadily disappeared under water. Meitaki to everyone who brave the elements to visit the booth :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Tamariki Yellow 104 photos
15 Sep 2012 A late start to the market this morning. It was a bit breezy, but just enough to clear away the cloud for a crisp, sunny Spring day.
We helped to celebrate a family honeymoon, birthday, friendships and took some great group and family portraits.
We also welcomed back to the Rock some repeat boothers - meitaki for making 3-2-1, Kia orana!' part of your itinerary :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Cloud Forest 105 photos
13 Sep 2012 The September winds were in full force tonight and had most of us vendors scurrying around looking for concrete blocks, guy ropes and splints to reinforce our marquees. There’s been a new layout to the market the past couple of weeks that makes it easier to see the foods and crafts on offer. Plenty of picnic tables and more lighting too.
A few big groups in the booth, wedding parties, holidayers, and film crew in the mix.
Tags: Takitumu Night Market, night market, markets
Imene Tuki 60 photos