Showing 121-130 of 182 matches for markets (tag).
23 Jun 2012 This month marks our first year of boothing - so we decided to throw ourselves a ‘boothday’ party at Punanga Nui. Our guests were treated to face-painting (thanx to Dernice from Made N Raro), lollipops, Andy’s home-made lemonade and free photos…
Tags: Punanga Nui, boothday, birthdays, promo events, promo, markets
Aqua Mareko 133 photos
23 Jun 2012 …Andy’s lemonade was a nod to when we used to sell cookies and lemonade at the market. Unfortunately, we no longer have an oven - so lemonade it was :). Meitaki to everyone who came to wish us a happy boothday. :)
Tags: Punanga Nui, boothday, promo events, promo, birthdays, markets
Aqua Mareko, White Island 138 photos
21 Jun 2012 Our first Takitumu in a few months - and a fresh start, with new picnic tables, lighting and roadside banners. Visitors took pix, and we kept the market kids entertained. We also photographed new backdrops - this week we added to our collection: FE (iron-grey), Imene Tuki (coral), Aitutaki (bright blue), and Island Ink (purple-blue). View the entire collection in our backdrop gallery.
Tags: Takitumu Night Market, night market, markets
Island Ink, Aitutaki 45 photos
20 Jun 2012 The Winter Night Market lived up to its name this year, with brief showers and a cool breeze kicking-off the evening. The upside was boothers heating up the booth with inventive posing. Our pix include Tereora students showcasing their market products, families visiting Rarotonga for a tropical break, and locals enjoying the free entertainment.
Tags: Punanga Nui, night market, markets
Night Market Purple 106 photos
16 Jun 2012 A beautiful, hot, day at the market - with a backdrop to match. We saw a few familiar faces from wedding booth sessions over the past fortnight. Took some beautiful pix of sisters, friends and families, with a cameo from Treddlecat (pedal-powered catamaran) inventor - and Island Booth trolley-maker - Ken Kingsbury. Meitaki to everyone who dropped by.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
71 photos
9 Jun 2012 A great day at the market today. Teuira came by to thank us for the booth-hire prize that she won in the Talent section of the Miss Cook Islands competition. We helped commemorate a gold (that means 50-year!), wedding anniversary. Some fun birthday pix, plus we were adopted by a whanau visiting from NZ, who created an awesome family record - by our guess-timate, four generations in the booth.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Coral Blue 116 photos
2 Jun 2012 Our first sunny, non-windy day at the market for a while. Today we had visiting grandparents taking pix with their mokopuna, holiday fotos, and wedding guests exploring the island. One memorable moment being the look of puzzlement as we gave a visiting boother a (triangular) CI $2 coin as change - “What do I do with this?” - looking for a token slot on the booth. Justine helpfully suggested that we _do accept tips :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Meika Green 85 photos
19 May 2012 Today’s boothers included: family groups on holiday; a 50th birthday celebration, conference organisers; visiting friends; a last photo op for Riki before leaving Raro aboard Marumaru Atua - voyaging vaka; and some of our regulars fine-tuning their signature poses.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Muri Blue 87 photos
12 May 2012 (The day before) Mother’s Day at the market, and regulars made personalised cards for their mums. Meitaki to everyone hosting visitors to the island who came to the booth for a holiday snapshot. And although IB pix don’t meet passport requirements - for example we fall down when it comes to ‘having a plain background’, or ‘not smiling’ - for any other type of instant photo we’re happy to help you out. And so, today, we took one of the nicest visa application photos you’re ever likely to see :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets, Mother’s Day
Pink Champagne 87 photos
28 Apr 2012 The island seemed a bit ‘tender’ this morning - a carry-over from an epic wedding-booth session on Friday night. Early rain had the booth up double-quick - just in time for the weather to clear :). It was a day of dynamic posing - with some sweet solos and duos. We took some great fun family portraits, worked on our baby wrangling skills and helped commemorate holidays, weddings, and renewed friendships.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Sure is Pink 87 photos