Showing 141-150 of 182 matches for markets (tag).
15 Mar 2012 Some nights the more pix we take, the better they get. This was one of those nights. Sweet family shots, couples holidaying, cousins and friends all rockin’ the booth.
Tags: Takitumu Night Market, night market, markets
Night Market Purple 98 photos
14 Mar 2012 A relatively sleepy night at Akaoa this week - at least _outside the booth :). A high proportion of boothers this week were friends from around the Rock, along with fellow vendors and a few brave visitors.
Tags: Akaoa Night Market, night market, markets
Meika Green 51 photos
10 Mar 2012 The markets were humming today. It was great to see some of our favourite boothers from last year, along with new (smiling) faces. You’ll notice owsum face painting in a few pix: butterflies and tigers and cats (‘oh my!’) - courtesy of Made 'N' Raro (just to the right of the main stage). We also added a zesty new ei katu to our island props collection.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Red Hibiscus 101 photos
2 Mar 2012 Our first Friday night market, (in town, between Raro Records and the Empire Cinema, from 4pm-). Our main was the Teriyaki Chicken... Booth took some great candid pix as the sun set and as town got busier. Also happy birthday to Geena. :)
Tags: Empire Market, night market, markets
Pink Champagne 52 photos
1 Mar 2012 It rained ‘quite a bit’ just before we left home to set-up at the market, but fortunately the evening cleared. This week the market provided a karaoke system to entertain the tamariki while families enjoyed a great range of food.
Tags: Takitumu Night Market, markets
Tamariki Yellow 44 photos
29 Feb 2012 Akaoa turned out the entertainment for a Leap Year special. Meitaki maata to Mii + Charlie, Destiny, the H-Factor finalists, and the Tamariki Manuia fire dancers for a great show.
Meanwhile, in the booth, our heart-boards were put through their paces with messages for family and friends. :)
Tags: Akaoa Night Market, Valentine’s, markets
Lime Fruit Salad 57 photos
25 Feb 2012 A humid start to the day, but by mid-morning the market was humming. We had the chance to (at random) catch up with Kirsty and Gary who were on the rock celebrating their one year anniversary - and whose wedding we filmed back in Wellington a year ago! Plus the Made ‘N’ Raro clan came by for an overdue family Xmas pic. Meitaki to everyone who stopped by.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Pineapple Punch 64 photos
18 Feb 2012 A hot day down at the markets. Plenty of visitors celebrating - weddings, birthdays, honeymoons and anniversaries. All great reasons to get a great photo.
We also caught up with some of our regular boothers who made the most our our new Valentine’s props.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets, Valentine’s
Taro Silver 86 photos
16 Feb 2012 The first (hopefully of many), night markets at Pa Ariki's newly opened palace. We busted out our special Valentine's props to celebrate the return of the booth. Meitaki to Pa and the organisers for a great night.
Tags: Takitumu Night Market, markets, Valentine’s
Tiare Gold 97 photos
17 Dec 2011 NZ visitors coming for the opening of Pa Ariki’s Palace came down to the market this week - so we had some pukana and haka poses. Also at the market the Gosselin sisters released their new CD and performed a couple of numbers (they might also be performing at the Akaoa Night Market this coming Wed.). Meitaki to some of our regular boothers for bringing family to the booth for some holiday fun. We also grabbed passing whanau/kopu tangata for some Xmas pix for our own album :).
Tags: Christmas, Punanga Nui, markets
Tiare Gold 129 photos