Showing 11-20 of 182 matches for markets (tag).
20 Sep 2014 Runners were – round Raro – this morning. A few dropped by to celebrate with a pic. Local street wear label Zone were handing out fliers promoting their new line (online only at this stage - see their FB page to place an order). We also found out that Argentina celebrate Spring / Student day. Random (TM) the market…
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Aitutaki 49 photos
13 Sep 2014 It was another scorcher at the market this morning. While most of the island hit the beach, me and Aroko made the most of the new water fountain at the Punanga Nui playground. Pepe also picked up a fresh-T from Fresh Local, and got a mean-as scorpion tattoo from Geena. Family friends dropped-by, plus Edith and Jeremy added a booth pic to their wedding photo album. Nice!
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Tiare Gold 56 photos
30 Aug 2014 Despite appearances, folks other than our family use the booth :). This week it was farewell to Nana Neen, Pat, and Jaz, and kia orana to Numa and Precious. We helped celebrate a honeymoon, a ‘break with the girls’, and a stopover between Miami and Fiji. Plus a grab-bag of BFFs, birthdays, and family pix.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Tamariki Yellow 73 photos
23 Aug 2014 Weather permitted, so we were back at the market this week. With the Shapeshifter / Tiki Tane / Upbeats + support acts at Rehab last night, we had some CHCH massive picking up breakfast and grabbing quik pix. New arrivals to the island – 2am flight that is – joined us to soak up the island vibes. We helped celebrate some fabulous birthdays and family ties, including a cameo by Aroko’s Nana Neen, plus extended kuki family ex-Welly. All goods :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Pink Breadfruit 79 photos
9 Aug 2014 Back after a break due to the 50km+ trade winds that buffeted the island last week. Plenty of family and friends, friends of the family, and families of friends visited us this morning. Aroko’s appetite for Tuhe’s nu has increased. We missed out on the BBQ chicken so had a grilled fish sandwich instead. Ella returned with Shannon’s mum. Tipo took a post-haircutting pic (in a sweet T from Fresh Local), and we showed Ange, Nick and Taylor around the market.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Sure is Pink 61 photos
26 Jul 2014 Kuki and AU school holidays, missionary shout-outs, newly-weds, BFFs, Aitutaki work-experience, new arrivals, and more!
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Taro Silver 84 photos
19 Jul 2014 A manea morning, with a gentle sunrise and altogether pleasant ride into town for the market. This week we farewelled Tayla who leaves the rock next week for AU – meitaki ma'ata from the whole booth family :). Our cousins are here for a mid-winter break and compulsory shots. School’s out in NZ so we had big families and touring parties stopping-by. We also saw some returning boothers. See you again next week.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Emperor Red 77 photos
12 Jul 2014 We had a lot of fun with our boothers this morning. Families on holiday were hamming-it-up, cousins and BFFs let their hair down; we helped celebrate a birthday; plus visits from family friends Karen and Neil. Aroko has learnt to walk from aunty’s stall to ours (unassisted - gulp!). Elsewhere fresh nita (pawpaw or papaya) available, limes are all good, plus zesty grapefruit - a personal breakfast juice fav.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Winter Rose 121 photos
5 Jul 2014 It’s the NZ school holidays, so we had plenty of families exploring the markets, enjoying the food, entertainment, crafts and taking a few pix too. Paw paw are starting to be available again, there are a few tomatoes about, but it’s best to get to the market early if you want fresh produce. On the main stage the visiting Hamilton Boys ensemble were playing fonky music. :)
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Meika Green 113 photos
28 Jun 2014 More families and visiting Kukis to juggle into the booth this morning.
Just behind us Geena (well, for the moment Tevai), has the Napa’s Raro Temporary Tattoo stand up-and-running. Harry reckons there are over 1000 different designs to choose from, plus when you get tat’d, ask for your Island Booth voucher and get $1 off your next strip.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Coral Blue 93 photos