Showing 51-60 of 182 matches for markets (tag).
9 Nov 2013 A highlight of today’s session was the visiting school group from Hawera, here to find out about Cooks culture and present funds toward the rebuilding of Nukutere College and Avatea School. With a bus to catch early morning, it was a case of quick styling and fast pix. We caught up with newlyweds Anita and Keith (+ families), who we first met at our boothday last year. We helped some frequent visitors to the island commemorate their island escape, and also saw Andy whose wedding we filmed last year - back to help run a NZ Defense Force youth development programme.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Pineapple Punch 115 photos
2 Nov 2013 On Saturday we helped celebrate… a 20-year wedding anniversary, a wedding, young love, the 7s, visiting aunties, Halloween, whanau, a cultural exchange, BFFs, sistas, a birthday, cute pepes, absent friends, and South Pacific adventuring. All good :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Aitutaki 117 photos
26 Oct 2013 On the way to ‘work’, Nukutere students were out fundraising for the school rebuild - we’re hoping to help out again with their gala in a few weeks. CNZ Creative Residency recipient, Strike Percussion’s Murray Hickman stopped by to feed Aroko while we fine-tuned the booth - he’ll also be running a few percussion workshops while in the Cooks. We took pix for delegates from the Conference of Pacific Women, cousins, repeat visitors to the island (and the booth), and handed out loyalty cards to regulars.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Cloud Forest 87 photos
19 Oct 2013 It was a slow start this morning - poss. due to the All Blacks / Wallabies test last night. Plenty of time to get around the fruit and vege stalls before the mid-morning rush. We caught up w. newly-weds that we met earlier in the week. New arrivals to the island underwent compulsory ‘booth-induction’, and we corralled large local groups into memorable instant portraits. Thank you much to everyone for rockin’ the booth :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Kete in Pink 87 photos
12 Oct 2013 With the longer days we - should be - setting up earlier to avoid the sun, and market-goers are up earlier to avoid the heat too. Today we saw regulars fresh from last night’s Junior Spring Ball - coming down to clock-up some loyalty card ‘clicks’. Members of the touring Mount Albert Grammar team jotted down dedications to friends back home. We took quik family portraits, and printed a few choice frames as a holiday memento.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Lime Fruit Salad 109 photos
5 Oct 2013 Due to a sudden (island-wide) proliferation of pot-holes, our little van got a puncture on the way to the market this morning. We borrowed the porch of the clinic at the Takitumu School for some running repairs, and got into town to find our usual spot now a lake. Aunty was taking the morning off, so we swapped locations. Despite the rain, visitors and locals were in good spirits, polar-fleeces, puffer-jackets and all. We took pix for local dancers (incognito), a recently crowned bio-diversity Queen, plus couples, and families enjoying an island break. Meitaki ma'ata for visiting the booth.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Imene Tuki 119 photos
28 Sep 2013 It was an epic morning at the market this Saturday. The sun’s up earlier, which puts the heat on us to stack the booth quicker. Visiting us were guests from a wedding we filmed on Thursday; rellies here for a break before Summer hits; big family groups; hot couples; and regulars with ‘special guest stars’. We also took some pix for the next generation of boothers - finalists from the Cook Islands National Baby Show, redeeming their Island Booth prizes.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Meika Green 124 photos
21 Sep 2013 It was bright and blustery day at the market this morning. Plenty of our regular boothers came to see us: with new pepes, visiting family, and friends. We also helped a couple celebrate the ‘day after’ (their wedding), another couple commemorate their honeymoon, and provided market food suggestions to a new mum-to-be.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Pink Champagne 100 photos
7 Sep 2013 This week the girls from Turtles Ts modelled a fresh design. We had some repeat (off-shore) boothers adding to their IB collection. Bemused family were put through their paces / poses and a few students from Te Uki Ou got in practice before we set-up for the school gala (Fri 20th Sept).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Sure is Pink 95 photos
31 Aug 2013 We’re currently travelling in convoy to the markets - IB1 (our van) carries the booth + Aroko. IB2 (our scooter) carries Andy. IB1 missed the rain, IB2 got a cloudburst just out of Matavera, however the weather was still clear in town. It took a while for market-goers to turn up this morning. Fortunately a large family group on the rock for a wedding created their own IB family tree. We had some first-time boothers who found out about us on Facebook :). We also some last-minute pix in time for Father’s Day.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Aqua Mareko 132 photos