Showing 31-40 of 41 matches for night market (tag).
14 Mar 2012 A relatively sleepy night at Akaoa this week - at least _outside the booth :). A high proportion of boothers this week were friends from around the Rock, along with fellow vendors and a few brave visitors.
Tags: Akaoa Night Market, night market, markets
Meika Green 51 photos
2 Mar 2012 Our first Friday night market, (in town, between Raro Records and the Empire Cinema, from 4pm-). Our main was the Teriyaki Chicken... Booth took some great candid pix as the sun set and as town got busier. Also happy birthday to Geena. :)
Tags: Empire Market, night market, markets
Pink Champagne 52 photos
21 Dec 2011 Our final booth session for the year. Christmas in full-effect. Akaoa turned out performances by the Gosselin Sisters, Kuki & Turtle/Onu, a police escort for Santa, lolly scramble, Zumba, Christmas Tree lighting and fireworks display (whew!). Meitaki maata to the Arorangi coummunity for supporting the night market this year. Special mention to the Marsters family for your work behind-the-scenes, and ANZ for helping out with the Xmas extravaganza!
Tags: Akaoa Night Market, Christmas, night market
Tiare Gold 142 photos
14 Dec 2011 Rotaract Christmas in the Park 2011… singing, dancing, Family in Trust, costumes, prizes, Santa, fire dancing, glow-stiks, fireworks…
Tags: Rotaract, Christmas, night market
Kabuki Red 115 photos
14 Dec 2011 Meitaki maata to the team from Rotaract Rarotonga and all of the sponsors for an awesome night. We’ll definitely be back next year!
Tags: Rotaract, Christmas, night market
Kabuki Red 115 photos
23 Nov 2011 A new spot for us at Akaoa this week :). Highlights of our session include Ally + Matt (plus family) checking out the rock in preparation for their wedding next year, some great solos, early Xmas present pix, and fun family fotos.
Tags: Akaoa Night Market, night market, markets
Night Market Purple 61 photos
9 Nov 2011 With the start of exams we missed a few of our regulars - and fellow stall-holders - this week. But we still had some memorable moments, with a 51st wedding anniversary photostrip re-enactment, new friendships, and holiday mementos.
Tags: Akaoa Night Market, night market, markets
Blue Velvet 49 photos
31 Aug 2011 Another beautiful sunset out West :). More food this week - we can recommend nachos + cupcakes. We’re also looking forward to the smoked fish and outer island pork promised in weeks to come.The booth produced some great dad pics and captured antics from wedding groups and honeymooners. Nice!
Tags: Akaoa Night Market, night market, markets
Coral Blue 114 photos
17 Aug 2011 The very first Akaoa Night Market. Rain cleared for the evening, there was even a rainbow inland as the sun was setting on the beach. Looks like this will be a regular (fortnightly) event.
Tags: Akaoa Night Market, markets, night market
Night Market Purple 82 photos
22 Jun 2011 An awesome night put on at Punanga Nui by the BTIB. Balmy weather, great entertainment, food and crafts. Our first chance to trial the booth-by-night.
Tags: markets, night market, Punanga Nui
Night Market Purple 13 photos