Showing 61-70 of 147 matches for Punanga Nui (tag).
10 Aug 2013 It was another beautiful day down at Punanga Nui this morning. There’s nothing like an early-morning scooter ride around the island, now necessary as there’s no room for me in the van due to Aroko + paraphernalia. We had a visit from the Davis clan; regulars refined their poses; and we got a few more signatures for our Te Maeva Nui petition. Outside the booth, there was three-way pram race between Tearuru, Luna, and Aroko; and local hip-hop crew hit the stage.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Jester 91 photos
3 Aug 2013 Today’s market was a refreshing break from a week of last-minute politic-ing. It was chance to do what the booth does best – take great pix of people having fun :). First up, we provided some entertainment for visitors making the most of their last day on the rock. We traded pix for nu, talked to performers enjoying a break after Te Maeva Nui festivities, and got a few signatures for our petition
If you’d like to see us back at Te Maeva Nui 2014, come sign the petition at the booth!
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Tongareva 102 photos
27 Jul 2013 The island is hummin’ . Counting down to TMN 2013 we had a great mix of our regulars, family, and visitors drop by. After an awesome performance on the main stage, the Te Amokura kapa haka group from Christchurch paid us a visit. We also met new pepes, some big family groups, and hot couples.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Ariki Gold 141 photos
13 Jul 2013 Today’s session was all about family :). Aroko’s nani took over pepe-minding duties and poppa Warren helped manage our unruly curtain. The Tangiiau kopu tangata came down to add some pix to their fridge collection. We also welcomed back local and visiting families who came to update their booth portraits. Also happy ra anau to Lily who celebrated her birthday with some booth pix.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Emperor Red 111 photos
3 Jul 2013
Tags: go local, Punanga Nui, night market, markets
Island Ink 130 photos
29 Jun 2013 We’re back after a couple of weeks break :). One of the best things about the booth is our regular boothers – esp. when they’ve been away for a bit. This week we saw some familiar faces back on the Rock - Kia orana. Our vibrant Coral Blue backdrop was a hit, giving pix an underwater look. Aunty, Juz and Aroko modelled some market-wares, from Fresh Local and Are Mama. With Pastor George gone = no more coconut donuts, our new treat was a cream-filled cinnamon donut made by one of Justine’s cousins.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Coral Blue 84 photos
8 Jun 2013 With Aroko uncle-sitting this week, we found running the booth, reasonably straight-forward. Lots of couples took pix with us: on holiday; honeymoon; on a rekkie for potential wedding venues; or just hanging out. Some awesome family groups lit up da booth. Bella and Luna bought a guest, and in case you were wondering, the secret to getting a Chihuahua‘s attention? Stand next to the lens and call “Sausage! Sausage!”.
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Moon River Blue 67 photos
1 Jun 2013 We celebrated our 2nd year at the market this morning. Prep included Friday night juicing, last minute provisions from CITC, and getting up waaay before dawn. The weather has turned a little stormy, and locals were bundled up accordingly. Mayhem started on time, with the help from Der Nice Corner - who added Eels and Panthers logos to the options for cheek painting in advance of this afternoon’s premier final. It was a treat for us to see Vaka Puaikura regulars who we haven’t seen since our night market… er, days. Junior netballers grabbed a free pic. before their games, and we traded a free photo strip for some spring onions. Meitaki to everyone who has come to the booth over the past 2 years, we hope to see you again soon :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, boothday, birthdays, promo events, promo, markets
Pineapple Punch 174 photos
25 May 2013 The weather was very 'Spring-y' today - rain then sun, rainbows – then rain + sun. Plenty of up-for-it visitors to the island came to the ‘all weather’ booth, some here supporting the Film Raro Challenge crews. We chatted to regular boothers; some back on the Rock after a break; others bringing visiting family and friends down to the market. We also gave away a few of our booth event booking info cards – hourly hire, unlimited photos! See you next week for our special 2nd boothday celebration :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Mangaia Sunset 80 photos
18 May 2013 The endless Raro summer continued at the market this morning - with temperatures in the late 20s. Thanks to Maire, we now have a porta-cot for Aroko - which provided some free entertainment for our junior boothers. We met big family groups, couples with future wedding plans, and locals who have just discovered the booth. Meitaki ma'ata :).
Tags: Punanga Nui, markets
Imene Tuki 58 photos